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Sermon Search Overview:  All available sermons are retrieved by default, ordered by date descending.  Navigation buttons allow you to view results one page at a time.  Use the drop-down filters to locate specific sermons by year, month, minister, book of the bible, and/or a particular (KJV) text string.

There may be times when you want to be more selective and view a specific subset of sermons.  For example you may want to quickly locate sermons from a specific period of time, where the text was taken from a specific book of the Bible or preached by a particular minister.  The search function provides this capability. 

How to Search:   There are two ways to identify specific sermons. 

(i)  By using one or more of the drop-down filters, and/or 

(ii) By entering a specific text in the search text box. 

Drop-down filters are provided to select specific sermons by year, month, minister or book of the Bible.  You can select a value from one or more lists.  Selecting a value from more than one filter results in a logical 'and' condition being applied.  For example:  Selecting the year '2017' from the years list and 'AUG' from the months list, will result in only sermons preached in August 2017 being returned.

Note:  When using just the drop-down lists to search for sermons, your selected value is applied automatically;  you do not need to click the 'Search' button.    The search button is only required to execute a search when you have entered a word or text string in the search box.  The search text you enter must literally match that found in the King James authorised version for the search to be successful.

Example 1  ~  Unsuccessful search:  Enter the NIV text "I shall not be in want" in the search box and then click the 'Search' button. No sermons are found.


Example 2  ~  Successful search:  Enter the KJV text "I shall not want" in the search box and click the 'Search' button.  Two sermons are returned; one preached in November 2017 and one in February 2019.


Reset Search:  To reset all search values and return to the default view, simply click the 'Clear Filters' button.

Introduction:   Audio recordings of sermons preached at Stotfold are uploaded to the site as soon as is practically possible. The recordings are in MP3 format.  Sermons are available from 1st January 2017.  When you access the 'Sermons' page, all sermons are retrieved and displayed 10 at a time.  You can use the navigation buttons to move backwards and forwards through the available sermons one page at a time.   

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